Thorsten Steiling Consulting & Management

Digital Transformation: Are you still digitizing, or are you already transforming?

Many established companies lose the competition to new, fast-growing enterprises and start-ups. Remarkably, the reasons for this are well known but often downplayed and ignored ("we'll keep doing what we've always done...").

If you believe that everything you decide and implement for your company is exactly right because these measures have always been successful in the past, you are on the path to losing the race against new, agile, and digital companies. The success rate of all your measures stands at 6%*.

If you are ready to compete and lead the competion, you need ideas, methods, and experiences for a fundamental transformation of your company, your current business model, or for developing new business models. The success rate of transformation is 37%*.

How should you proceed? Transforming companies and business models requires methods, knowledge, and experience in the fields of innovation, business model development, and culture. I advise, support, and guide you and your company on this journey, as well as in selecting and implementing the appropriate technologies for Digital Transformation.

* Source: The Innovator's Dilemma, Clayton M. Christensen, 2016.

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