Thorsten Steiling Consulting & Management

Strategy: Can you explain your company's strategy in a few words?

If you find it difficult to answer, your response includes general statements (e.g., "growth," "ROI," or "it's in the annual report"), or it says little about how and with what you plan to implement your strategy, your stakeholders, employees, and especially your IT team will struggle to develop value-adding and innovative IT solutions.

Business and IT strategies in the digital age require ongoing and dynamic adaptation to new requirements, technologies, and trends. The first and most crucial step is merging the historically separate business and IT strategies into a unified overall strategy.

In addition to the traditional elements of evolutionary strategies, such as improving productivity, efficiency, and profitability, today's strategies include clear statements and definitions regarding the digitization and digital transformation of the entire company or specific business areas.

I can assist you in developing the overall strategy for your company and your IT.

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